The Norris Taylor Genealogy Page is the Home for the Michael Millirons Line. Although we first see Michael in Knox Co, Kentucky in 1810, he spent most of his life in Scioto County, Ohio before various branches started migrating west. |
Our German Palatine Heritage gives many links about the Palatines |
The Altman Family Page is the home of one branch of the John Jacob Milliron line. This line started out of Westmoreland, PA in the 1700's before various branches started moving west. |
Ancestry.com has many Millirons and variations in various of its data bases. |
The Surname Registry - A Web Site Devoted to Collecting Internet Resources on all Surnames |
The FTM Search Engine turns up quite a few Milliron/Millirons in their search |
The FTM Internet Family Finder turns up quite a few Milliron/Millirons in their Internet Family Finder |
The James Noel / Elizabeth Millirons Page presents her children. Elizabeth is Michael > Christopher > Samuel. (Large file - let it download completely before doing a "find".) |
The German Migration Resource Center |