OBITUARY: Richland Shield & Banner, Box 6, Sep 30, 1876, Page 4. (Mansfield, Richland Co, Ohio)
In 1818, Samuel Pollock was married to Miss Fanny Wilkin, who still survives him. To them were born thirteen children, ten of whom are still living. In 1822, Mr. Pollock settled in this county (Richland Co, OH) on a farm three miles southwest of Mansfield, where he resided until 1835, after which he moved to his farm on the Marion Road, two miles west of this city, where he continued to reside up to 1867, when he came to this city and spent the remainder of his days.
In 1817, Mr. Pollock became a member of the Presbyterian Church at Cadiz, Ohio. In 1823, he united with the Associate Reform Church at Mansfield, remaining a member of the same up to the time of he death.
Mr. Pollock, at the date of his death, had reached the ripe age of eighty-eight years and seven months, and during fifty-nine of those years was a consistent member of the church. An early settler in this State, a soldier in the War of 1812, a pioneer in this county, he was familiar with the early history of the state and county, sharing with his neighbor farmers the hardships and labor falling to the lot of a true pioneer. Industrious, he spent the greater part of his time at work on his farm, but amid his labor, he never forgot his duty to the Great Giver of all good, whom he daily sought for aid and guidance.
A singular fact in the life of Mr. Pollock is that during his long life, he spent but four days in bed on account of sickness, and they were the last four days of his life."
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