CHARLES, Salem 1632, a shipwright, arr. at Boston 16 Sept. in the Lion, freem. 2 June 1641, had w. Eliz. rem. to Gloucester, was selectman 1644 and 5; had Samuel, b. 20 June 1644. His w. d. Mar. 1648, and he m. 12 Feb. 1650, wid. Esther Saunders.
HABAKKUK, Boston, s. of John of Dorchester, b. in Eng. was a tanner, with good est. freem. 1650; m. 4 May 1653, Hannah, eldest ch. of Rev. John Eliot, had Hannah, b. 3 July, bapt. 3 Sept. 1654, d. soon; and Rebecca, 24, bapt. 29 July 1655; oth at Roxbury; other ch. John, and Rebecca, wh. m. Thomas Smith of Boston, and sec. a Clark; d. Apr. 1693. His will of 7 Sept. 1692, pro. 24 Apr. foll. names only w. Hannah, and d. Rebecca Clark.
HENRY, Medfield, d. 21 July 1655, and inv. of his est. on wh. his
w. Abigail was admx. is in Vol. III. 31, of our Suffk. Prob. rec.
HENRY, New Haven 1647, or earlier, came, prob. in the Elizabeth
from Ipswich 1634, aged 24, had Mary, bapt. June 1641; Mercy, Aug. 1643;
Hannah, May 1646; John, 8 Oct. 1648; Abigail, . 1651, bapt. July 1652;
and Sarah, 3, bapt. 9 Dec. 1655; was a promin. man, propr. in 1685, d.
1689. In letters of Davenport to Winth. 1655, 3 Mass. Hist. Coll. X. 9
and 12, his w. is refer. to; and perhaps he was the lieut. of Southold
1662, that yr. adm. as freem. of Conn. Trumbull, Col. Rec. 388. His d.
Hannah m. 24 Nov. 1663, David Ashley; Sarah m. 1678, John Ball; and his
will, pro. Oct. 1689, gives to childr. of his s. John.
*JOHN, Dorchester 1630, came, perhaps, in the Mary and John, but was a Lancashire man, and engag. in the favor of the Plant. bef. embark. in 1629, was a capt. rep. 163750, and near all the same yrs. selectman, rem. to Boston, was assist. 1652 and 3, d. early next yr. His will of 11 Apr. 1653, has codic. of 26 Jan. foll. and pro. 9 Feb. after, recites that he had giv. a yr. bef. to s. Thomas his messuage at Rainhill in Lancaster, Eng. as competent jointure to Rebecca now his w. with wh. he is to have a consid. portion, had promis. s. Nathaniel £400; had giv. Habakkuk half a new well.-ho. and pits and accom. for tan. equal to £400, prov. for w. Ann, s. John, and Pelatiah, b. Sept. 1636; all of wh. exc. the last two, I think he had brot. from Eng. He had no d.
JOHN, Cambridge, s. of Rev. Josse, b. in Eng. H. C. 1650, in 1654 was liv. in Eng. had a degr. of M. D. at Aberdeen, and prob. never came again to our side of the ocean.
JOHN, Boston, s. of first John, H. C. 1651, (unless this distinct. belong to a New Haven gent.), a merch. wh. had perhaps, liv. at Swanzey 1683, but at B. d. and was bur. 25 Sept. 1696; in his will names w. Eliz. prob. d. of John Andrews, but no other relat. styles hims. gent. wh. may seem to support his right to the coll. honor.
JOHN, Boston, by w. Mary had John, b. 1 Feb. 1661, may be the same as preced.
JOHN, New Haven, perhaps s. of Henry, regard. by Prof. Kingsley in let. to me, as the gr. of Harv. 1651, d. 1679, or early in 80, [p.262] leav. good est. but it is uncert. whether he had fam. but if s. of Henry, he had certain.
JOHN, Salem, m. 2 Jan. 1660, Mary Guppy, d. of John of the same, had John, b. 29 Aug. 1661; William, 15 Mar. 1664; Mary, 1 May 1666; Sarah, July 1668; Hannah, 24 June 1670; Benjamin, 28 Mar. 1674; perhaps Jonathan, Apr. 1677; and Ebenezer, 18 Apr. 1685. His will of 19 Apr. 1695, pro. 13 May foll. ment. wid. Mary, s. John, and other childr. not nam. On est. of her s. William, 6 Apr. 1700 admin. was giv. to mo.
JOHN, Barnstable, s. of Nathaniel of Dorchester, went with his mo. to Barnstable after her m. and d. 25 Aug. 1690, aged 35.
JOHN, Norwich 1674, m. Hannah, 29 May 1682.
JONATHAN, Salem, s. of John of the same, m. Abigail Henderson, perhaps d. of Archibald, had Abigail, b. 23 Nov. prob. 1699; Mary, 18 Jan. 1701; Jonathan, 14 Dec. 1702; Benjamin, 7 Sept. 1704; Joseph, 27 June 1706; and David, 9 Jan. perhaps 1709.
JOSSE, rector, it is said, of Sutton, in Surry, made contr. 7 June 1638, with Stephen Day of Cambridge, Eng. to come over with w. ch. and serv. in the John of London, at exp. of Glover, his design being to set up a printin press here; d. on the pass. and his wid. Eliz. m. Henry Dunster, after. the first Presid. of Harv. Coll. His eldest s. Roger was a capt. k. in the civil war at Edinburg, it is said; John, above ment. is the only other s.; but three ds. were fixed in our country; Eliz. w. of Adam Winthrop, wh. d. early; Sarah, w. of Deane Winthrop; and Priscilla, w. of John Appleton. Sometimes he is call. Jesse; by President Quiney and many others, Joseph; but the stranger name prevails. Of course, he has no claim to be insert. in these pages, as inhab. of N. E. where he never came, but cminent. are his righteous intent. to be honor. and his relat. to our country by his childr. m. and his own d. on the ocean would make omiss. inexeus.
NATHANIEL, Dorchester, s. of first John, b. in Eng. m. Mary, the ch. brot. from Warrington in a pannier, to embark at Bristol, as told by a credita. tradit. d. of John Smith, common. kn. as Quartermaster, bec. he had serv. in the Netherlands in that capac. had Nathaniel; John, b. 1655; and Ann; was freem. 1654, selectman 1655 and 6, d. 21 May 1657. Ann m. 11 July 1673, William Rawson. His wid. m. 15 Mar. 1660, Thomas Hinckley, after Gov. of Plymouth.
NATHANIEL, Dorchester, s. of the preced. freem. 1678, was capt. 1687, m. Hannah, d. of Thomas Hinckley, Gov. of Plymouth Col. wh. d. 20 Aug. 1730, as the gr.stone at D. has it, but mak. her yrs. less by two than truth, wh. is very unusual occur. He had Hannah, b. 3 Dec. 1681; and d. 6 Jan. 1724.
PELATIAH, Springfield, s. of first John, b. at Dorchester 1637, or 9, was educ. at Harv. but left the coll. without gr. m. 20 May 1660, Hannah, d. of capt. John Cullick, had Samuel, b. 28 Nov. 1661, wh. d. 24 July 1689, unm; John, 1 July 1663, d. in two yrs.; Pelatiah, [p.263] 27 Jan. 1666; Ann, 21 Aug. 1668, d. 1690, unm. and Mary, 17 Apr. 1672. He was sec. min. of S. ord. 18 June 1661; his w. d. 1689, and he d. 29 Mar. 1692. Peletiah, wh. had fam. in S. and Mary, wh. m. 1693, John Haynes of Hartford, outliv. the f. Sprague, 18.
RALPH, Mass. req. to be adm. freem. 19 Oct. 1630, hav. then prefix of respect in the rec. and so may be presum. to have come in the fleet with Winth. but he d. bef. July 1633, and his est. was admin. by Thomas Mayhew, so that we may suppose he had liv. at Watertown.
STEPHEN, Gloucester 1658, m. 7 Oct. 1663, Ruth, d. of William Stephens, perhaps as sec. w. had a ch. b. 2 Aug. 1664, d. in 3 days, and his w. d. in few more; was selectman 1659, 61, 986; d. 10 Dec. 1686. His will names only Sargents, his friends, and he gave all his prop. to Nathaniel, s. of William S. requiring that he should be bred up to learn. so that I presume him to be either the gr. of 1707, or his neph. ||
THOMAS, Dorchester, eldest s. prob. of first John, ar. co. 1642,
liv. in London 1661, and may well be thot. to have ended his days in Eng.
where he was well m. Six of this name had, in 1834, been gr. at Harv. and
four at other N. E. coll.
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